On September 6, 2015 shortly before 11, Lonnie Wilkinson was riding her bicycle with a group going westbound on the Virgil Gillman Trail in Aurora towards Densmore Road.
She was hit by a Sugar Grove man crossing the road travelling south on Densmore. By the time she reached the hospital, she was pronounced dead. Another Aurora bike accident victim.
Causes of Accidents
Bicycle Injuries
Victim Resources
Biking has increased in popularity over the past few years. At the same time, biking accidents have increased around the state of Illinois and across the United States in general.
Aurora is now the second largest city in Illinois, and gets it fair portion of biking accidents.
Therefore, it is important to understand why these accidents happen, as well as how to prevent them.
Our Aurora, IL bike accident attorneys appreciate the dangers cyclists face when sharing roads with vehicles. Our firm is committed to the most successful possible recovery for your case. We invite you to contact our office for a free review of your case with a lawyer who has represented hundreds of injured bicyclists across Illinois.
What are the main causes of Aurora Bicycle Accidents?
- Drivers Not Paying Attention– Currently, cars are the cause of 29% of all bicycle accidents. The overwhelming cause of most accidents is driver inattention.
Many drivers claim that they never saw the bicyclist before the accident. While that sometimes might be the case, often they do not pay enough attention to the bikers’ space to ensure safe travel.
This happened to 35-year-old teacher Courtney Adams. She was riding with a group of cyclists when a Sandwich woman attempted to overtake the group. However, the driver did not give enough room and clipped and seriously injured Adams as she passed.
By not paying attention to their surroundings, car drivers can seriously hurt an innocent biker. It is vital therefore that drivers not only look out for other cars on the road, but also bikes as well.
If you were hit by an inattentive driver, then you should contact Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers at 888-424-5757 to learn more about your legal options.
- Get off the phone– One wrongful death case Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers litigated was for an Aurora child who was riding their bike through a low traffic, neighborhood street.
The driver was on their phone, which violates safe driving laws in Illinois. The driver hit the child, and the child died a few days later. As recompense, the family was able to sue for the drivers’ full insurance policy limits ($250,000 auto and a $1,000,000 umbrella).
However, that still does not bring back their child. That is why it is vitally important to make sure drivers pay attention to the road and not their smartphone.
- Vehicles Fail to Yield– The state of Illinois requires that motorists give bicyclists 3 feet or more of space when passing. Just like any motorized vehicle, drivers have to give the right of way to bikers when there is not enough space for both bikes and cars to ride side by side.
Since Aurora is the second largest city in Illinois, it is not surprising that they have a lot of traffic.
Consider the fact that the 49 bridges connecting Aurora with the rest of the Chicagoland area handles over 871,063 vehicles every day.
With so many vehicles travelling through Aurora, it sometimes becomes challenging for motorists to remember these rules. However, when they do not yield for bikes then accidents can and often do happen.
How can you get justice if you were injured in an Aurora bicycle accident?
If you or someone you care about was in an Aurora bicycle accident recently, it is time you learned what your rights are.
Bikers are sometimes unaware of the recovery policies, because they do not have their own auto policy.
However, often the driver is responsible for the accident. This is good for bikers, since this provides them coverage under the drivers’ auto insurance policy.
Therefore, if you have any questions from your recent Aurora bicycle accident then Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers can discuss your options during guide a free consultation. Call us today at 888-424-5757 to learn more.
For more information on other Illinois cities we serve and the applicable laws, please visit:
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Elgin Bicycle Accident Lawyers
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