Attorneys for People Who Have Sustained Brain Injuries in Chicago Bicycle Accidents
Brain injuries can be crippling. You may no longer be able to work. You may not be able to care for your children. You may no longer have the quality of life you once enjoyed.
An automobile accident is the leading cause of TBI-related death. These injuries result from a force that fractures or penetrates the skull, so hitting a windshield or steering wheel can be enough to cause these injuries. Blunt trauma is the most serious type of brain injury. The brain can come through the crack in the skull, which can cause death or a meager quality of life.
Causes of Accidents
Bicycle Injuries
Victim Resources
What many people do not realize is the skull doesn’t have to be cracked for brain injury to occur. Due to the force of an automobile accident, the brain can easily just hit the hard skull to cause damage. When this occurs, many victims do not even know they have sustained a brain injury.
While bruising of the brain or a contusion may not be life threatening, brain hemorrhaging can be. This is why it is always a good idea to seek medical attention following a bicycle accident with a vehicle or other cyclist.
Our attorneys have experience representing bicyclists who have sustained traumatic brain injuries in accidents in Chicago and across Illinois. We invite you to contact our office to discuss your case and the options for pursuing a case against responsible parties. Complete this intake form and a lawyer will reach out to you for a free consultation.
The Costs of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Emergency Treatment-Immediately following a cycling accident, you should seek emergency treatment. Depending on your medical insurance, this could cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. The costs have to do with how long you must stay there and the tests they run to know what your injuries are from the accident.
Some of the tests they may perform are x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. All of these can cost over a thousand dollars.
If your injuries are severe, you will need intensive care treatment. Again, you will be responsible for the costs your insurance companies is not willing to pay. Even those with good insurance often have to pay a lot of money to cover the entire bill.
- Rehabilitation-Once you are stabilized, you may need rehabilitation. Usually, this is what will help you regain your strength and brain functioning. In many cases, brain functioning cannot be returned, which is a devastating consequence of the accident. This may mean you won’t be able to do the same type of work you did before the accident, which could lead to a decrease in wages.
Outpatient therapy is a possibility with brain injuries. You may need physical therapy for years to be able to reteach your brain how to perform certain movements.
- Understanding the long-term effects-Brain injuries can affect your life greatly. Mental health counseling may be necessary to help you cope with the aftermath of the accident. It can be emotionally difficult to realize you have to change your life because of what happened to you. A counselor can help you get back on your feet, so you can create a life you love again.
Medication is often prescribed for the pain you may be suffering with after the bicycle accident. If your insurance company doesn’t cover all those expenses, you will have to, and that can be hundreds of dollars a month.
Finally, you may need assistive devices. These devices make it possible for you to get through the day with your brain injuries. Without them, you could be entirely dependent on someone else. These contraptions can cost thousands of dollars.
Pursuing Financial Damages for Brain Injuries Suffered in a Bike Crash
The person who is responsible for the cycling accident most often faces the costs of the above. His or her insurance company can deliver most of the damages, unless the policy the driver or cyclist has doesn’t cover it all. If not, the person at fault will end up having to pay with other means.
When there is a hit and run case, the legalities are a little different. We had a hit and run case in which the cyclist suffered significant head injuries and torn rotator cuffs. Since we were not able to find the driver, we helped the man receive damages under his own auto policy by using uninsured motorist coverage.
Contact an Illinois Brain Injury Attorney after a Cycling Accident
You or your loved one has suffered an accident that may have led to permanent disability. If you believe it’s because of the negligence of a driver or other cyclist, you may have a case in Illinois court. Contact Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers today at 888-424-5757 for a free consultation, so we can help you get what you deserve in damages.