Bicycle Injury News
The Chicago Bicycle Injury Attorneys continually provide relevant and up to date information here specific to Bicycle Injury for your reference – please see below!
Winter Bike Riding Posing More Danger to Chicago Bikers
The city of Chicago has gone to great efforts to ensure that bicyclists remain safeby constructing new bike paths and lanes all throughout the metropolitan area. However, during the winter months, many residents and business owners shovelsnow from sidewalks and…
read moreAngry Drivers Regularly Cause Cyclist Injuries
Anger and aggression are leading factors in many bicycle-related accidents involving motor vehicles. Why any motorist becomes so angry that a bike rider is sharing the roadway is often difficult to pinpoint. However, blaming the cyclist as being stupid or…
read moreImportant Steps to Take Following a Hit-and-Run Bicycle Accident
Hit-and-run accidents are considered criminal offenses in every state including Illinois. Motorists who hit a bicycle are required to stop no matter how serious the accident and provide essential information while making the determination of whether or not the…
read moreWhy Reflectors Can be a Bicyclist’s Best Friend
Just because you can see a motorist in the nighttime sky while riding your bicycle does not necessarily mean that they can see you. In fact, consistently overestimating your visibility while riding your bike at night is not an uncommon occurrence, which can be…
read moreBest Ways to Lock-up Your Bike
Hundreds of thousands of bicycles are stolen every year in the United States where the owner rarely gets their bike back once it has been taken. However, there are specific steps that can be performed to prevent the bicycle and you from becoming victimized by stopping…
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