Peoria Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Sometimes a bike ride is the best way to view all of the beauty of Whiskeytown. Whether visiting Peoria’s Rock Island Greenway or one of their other stunning bike trails, bikers have a lot of options in Peoria.
While it may seem perfect, Peoria bikers have to be very careful. A number of Peoria bicycle accidents have happened in the area over the past few years.
It is an unfortunate part of biking in Peoria. However, by understanding what happened it is possible to avoid these accidents in the future.
Causes of Accidents
Bicycle Injuries
Victim Resources
If you were injured in a bicycle accident in Peoria, Illinois, we invite you to contact our office for a free review of your case with attorneys who have experience prosecuting these cases. Our law firm handles these cases on a contingency fee basis where there is never a cost or obligation to talk about your case with one of our lawyers. Complete this on-line contact form today for a free consultation of your bike accident case.
How to Avoid Peoria Bike Accidents?
- Be careful when leaving driveways- A tragic accident happened in nearby Rowe 2 years ago. A 7-year-old boy by the name of Blake Seifers was riding his bike out of a private driveway when he failed to yield to a passing vehicle.
The driver did not have time to stop and hit the boy. Seifers was taken to the hospital, and passed a few days later.
It is a solemn reminder that kids (and adults) need to be very careful when they ride their bikes on the streets of Peoria. It is possible they might not always be visible to passing traffic.
Therefore, bikers need to be alert to their surroundings. Bikers are liable for their actions just like any motorized vehicle. In the state of Illinois, bicyclists even have their own Rules of the Road they must follow.
They must give right-of-way to cars and other bikers when appropriate. Cars weigh 4,000 pounds on average. Comparatively, your average mountain bike weighs in around 30 pounds.
For that reason alone, bikers need to pay attention to a vehicle that weighs 133 times more than them when pulling out of the driveway.
- Slow Down- Everyone riding a bike wants to go as fast as possible. However, it is vitally important that they do not ride too quickly for their safety.
Peoria Municipal Code Sec. 28-499. even states that “No person riding a bicycle shall ride faster than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the safety of the rider and others.”
When bicyclists cannot control the speed of their bike they endanger themselves and others on the road.
As kids we all try to ride our bike as fast as possible. That is perfectly fine when you are on a street by yourself. However, when you are riding your bike out in the neighborhood where there are other cars and pedestrians you need to slow down.
- Intersections-We spoke earlier about the Bicyclist Rules of the Road. This is even more important in intersections. Intersections are the most dangerous place for a bicycle.
With cars turning and other distractions, drivers are more likely to make mistakes at intersections. Statistics show that 62% of all biking accidents happen at intersections.
The statistics vary based on age. However, motorists are at fault for bike accidents 60% of the time. Comparatively, children are deemed to be at fault 70-80% of the time in their accidents.
To reduce the number of accidents, bicyclist who are on the road should often stay in the roadway like any other vehicle. That way, the driver cannot clip you while passing you on the side of the road or turn into you with a right turn.
What can you do if you were in a Peoria Bicycle Accident?
You stayed safe and followed the rules. Yet, you were still hurt in a recent biking accident. What do you do now?
Fortunately, bike riders have a number of options available to them.
If you were in a Peoria bicycle accident, then we invite you to contact Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to learn more about your options. Call us at 888-424-5757.
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