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Bicycle Accident Settlements

Recent Settlements and Results Realized for Our Bicycle Injury Cases

Our Chicago bicycle accident attorneys have the experience necessary to investigate and litigate your case to ensure that you receive the maximum possible recovery for your case. Below you will find a compilation of recent verdicts and settlements we have received for our clients. If you or a loved one has a bike injury or wrongful death case, we invite you to contact our office for a free review of your case with an attorney who has experience with similar matters.

  • $1,100,000 Cyclist Hit by Company Truck. A truck for a plumbing contractor was exiting a construction site in downtown Chicago when he pulled into the street without looking. Our client, a 33-year-old computer engineer, was broadsided and thrown off his bike where he was hit by a passing car. The double impact resulted in numerous orthopedic injuries. This case was settled shortly after a lawsuit was filed.
  • $885,000 Fractured Arm and Leg. While riding on the side of a busy Chicago thoroughfare, our client was hit from behind by a passing vehicle. The impact caused the cyclist to lose control and crash into an embankment on the side of the road. This incident was captured on a helmet-mounted camera of a cyclist traveling in back of our client and was a powerful piece of evidence looked at by a judge who helped in settling the case.
  • $720,000 Intersection Collision. While travelling though a congested intersection with a green light, our client was struck by a car making a left-hand turn. The driver of the car was cited by the police for failing to yield. Our client sustained a displaced fracture to his thumb and wrist, both of which required surgery and rehabilitation. The driver of the vehicle was a salesperson for a painting company and the settlement was paid by the companies insurance company.
  • $599,500 Arbitration Award to Bike Messenger. While making deliveries at office buildings in Chicago’s Loop, our client was struck by an office delivery truck that was pulling out of an alley. The case was initially denied by the insurance company for the delivery company, but the company changed their position on liability after several depositions took place in the lawsuit. Our client suffered a shoulder injury when he attempted to brace himself from the fall to the pavement.
  • $530,000 Child Cyclist with Facial Fractures. We were retained by the parents of an 8-year-old girl who has hit by a neighbor while riding through her neighborhood. The girl was not wearing a bicycle helmet and sustained a fractured jaw and dental injuries in the impact. Despite suggestions that the girl was not riding with a light or reflector on her bicycle, we were successful in arguing that the driver should have been keeping a better lookout considering that there were numerous signs posted warning drivers that children were at play and a posted speed-limit of 25-miles per hour.
  • $500,000 Uninsured Motorist Award to Hit and Run Cyclist. Apparently concerned about the possible consequences of striking a bicyclist, the driver of a vehicle drove away from the scene of the incident while our client lay on the ground without consciousness. Another driver contacted the police department who arrived at the scene of the crash and took our client to the hospital via ambulance where he underwent surgery to repair damage to his arm. While the driver of the vehicle in the incident was never located, our client had an uninsured motorist policy on his personal vehicle which provided the source for the recovery.
  • $450,000 Bike Commuter with Torn Labrum. While commuting to work at an office in River North, our client was hit by motorcyclist who attempted to pass another vehicle the marked bicycle lane on Clybourn Avenue. The impact resulted in a crash that caused an injury to our client’s shoulder. An MRI confirmed that the labrum was torn which was repaired via arthroscopic surgery.
  • $380,000 Cyclist Hit by Turning Vehicle. Out for a Sunday morning ride on Chicago’s Northshore, our client stopped at a four-way intersection. Unfortunately, as he entered the intersection, an oncoming car hit him while attempting to make a left-turn. The crash resulted in a serious knee injury and the carbon fiber road bike was destroyed. After 5 months of intensive physical therapy and rehabilitation, our client is back peddling on the streets.
  • $300,000 Policy Limit Recovery for Cyclist Hit by Drunk Driver. A group of friends were riding along North Avenue on a Saturday evening when a man crashed his car into several of them causing a chain-reaction crash. Despite insisting that he had not been drinking at the scene of the crash, a breathalyzer confirmed he was above the legal limit. Our client was admitted to Northwestern Memorial hospital for various internal injuries.
  • $250,000 Bilateral Wrist Fractures. An experienced bicyclist, who at one time had ridden competitively in road races across Europe, was hit by a women was using her cell phone while behind the wheel. While attempting to brace himself from the fall, our client put his arms in front of him and smashed into the pavement. Both wrists were fractured and required casts. Our client was unable to work as a civil engineer while his arms were casted.
  • $222,000 Cervical Injury, Related to an Intersection Collision. Yet again, when our client entered the intersection, she got the short end of the stick. While at a four-way stop, another driver failed to obey the stop sign and entered the intersection at full speed. Thankfully, our client was wearing a helmet, but the impact still resulted in a herniated disc which required several injections from a treating neurosurgeon.
  • $200,000 Facial Fractures and Scarring. This was a car-dooring case where our client was riding along the side of a street where cars were parked. As the driver exited his vehicle, he did not look to see if there were bicyclists coming as required by Chicago Municipal Code. Unfortunately, he opened the door just as our client was approaching and she crashed into the door and flipped over it. She hit her chin on the pavement which resulted in approximately 25 stitches. She also broke several teeth which were repaired.

Do You Have Questions About a Bicycle Accident Case?

We appreciate the frustration and anger you may be experiencing following a bicycle accident due to the inattention of driver. Our law firm has experience prosecuting these cases in many different venues in Illinois and across the Midwest. If you have questions about your legal rights or what you can expect in terms of a financial recovery for your case, we invite you to contact our office for a free case review.